Authors of accepted papers are requested to upload their final manuscripts to EDAS
by August 10, 2012 at 23:59 UTC.
At least one author per paper must register for the conference prior to the final paper submission.
Failure to register before the deadline will result in
automatic withdrawal of the paper from the conference proceedings and program.
Detailed instructions are provided below.
Preparation of final manuscript
Final manuscripts should not exceed 5 pages in length,
and should use font size no smaller than 10 points,
Papers should have no page numbers and no headers or footers.
Final manuscripts must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF) and in US letter-size,
and they must have all fonts embedded.
Authors should use one of the following template files.
The files above are the same as those of the IEEE package.
Microsoft Word users:
The template file has been updated. Please use the new template.
Key words that were required in the previous template file are unnecessary.
That is only one point of difference.
Xplore-compliant manuscripts
Final manuscripts must be prepared in compliance with the IEEE format.
If not,
the manuscript will not be included in the proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
Before uploading a final manuscript,
authors should check whether the manuscript is Xplore-compliant using IEEE PDF eXpress.
IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences,
allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compliant PDFs (Conversion function)
or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).
Authors are recommended to create PDFs using IEEE PDF eXpress.
To create an IEEE PDF eXpress account, see a
IEEE PDF eXpress provides detail pages for using the functions above.
- The conference ID of ISITA2012 is isita2012x.
- IEEE PDF eXpress can convert a Microsoft Word file or a LaTeX file to PDF.
When a LaTeX file is converted to a PDF,
a DVI file (and image/EPS files if used) must be included in the archive (zip) file.
- If you submitted a PDF,
IEEE PDF eXpress will compare your PDF to the latest IEEE Xplore requirements.
You will receive another email when your PDF has been checked.
If you submitted source file(s),
IEEE PDF eXpress will convert your source file(s)
to PDF in accordance with the latest IEEE Xplore requirements.
You will receive another email when your new PDF is available.
- It says in the email from IEEE PDF eXpress that the deadline is August 31, 2012.
This is the date when the service for ISITA2012 by IEEE PDF eXpress is closed.
The deadline of final manuscripts is August 10, 2012 at 23:59 UTC
Upload of final manuscripts
Your final manuscript must be uploaded via EDAS,
using the link given in your acceptance notification email.
Final manuscripts must be prepared in compliance with the IEEE format.
If EDAS outputs any errors (e.g., notembedded, bookmarks, pagesize, textwidth, topmargins, bottommargins)
on the manuscript, please fix your manuscript.
EDAS checks your manuscript more rigorously than IEEE PDF eXpress.
EDAS Help provides hits to solve PDF problems. For example,
Update of EDAS information
Authors should confirm the title, the author name(s), and the abstract in EDAS.
The title, the author name(s), and the abstract registered in EDAS
will be published in the book of abstracts and the proceedings.
Their items can be updated by August 10, 2012 at 23:59 UTC
(same as the deadline of final manuscripts).
- Authors are recommended to use LaTeX notations (e.g., $x_i$, $\alpha^2$)
to express mathematical symbols in the title and the abstract.
- Authors must register the information of all authors of your manuscript.
If you forget it,
their names will not appear in the book of abstracts and the proceedings.
- The abstract should not exceed 300 words.
Copyright transfer
If information about a paper (title, authors, and affliations etc.) is changed,
the author(s) should re-submit a copyright transfer form via EDAS by August 10, 2012 at 23:59 UTC.
If the copyright transfer form is incomplete,
the paper will not be included in the proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
The copyright transfer form and an example of the completed form can be found below.
Paper ID for the copyright transfer form can be found in the acceptance notification email.
Please upload a scanned copy of the signed copyright form at EDAS
by going to "My Papers" tab
and clicking on the '(c)' icon under the column "Copyright Form" where their paper is located.
It is preferable that the uploaded file is in PDF.
But taking a picture of the copyright form with a digital camera will work well,
as long as the text is readable.
You can then upload the JPEG image.
Remark: If no items of the copyright transfer form are changed,
it is unnecessary to re-submit the copyright transfer form.
Accepted papers will be published in full on a flash drive,
and abstracts of accepted papers will be printed in the book of abstracts.
The flash drive and the book of abstracts will be handed out to participants in the conference.
However, the proceedings will be issued in the middle of October.
If you are planning to apply for a patent,
please complete the application by the middle of October.
One of authors must present the paper at the conference.
Accepted papers will also be made available on IEEE Xplore after the conference.
If a paper is not presented at the conference,
the paper will be excluded from IEEE Xplore.
Notice that IEEE also reserves the right to withhold publishing in IEEE Xplore.
At least one author per paper must register by August 10, 2012
for the paper to appear in the final program and the proceedings.
Note that the registration is managed independently of EDAS.