Recent Results Poster Session
The recent results poster session will be held on Tuesday, 28 October between 14:00 and 15:00, in the Auditorium Foyer. The list of poster presenters and their titles can be found in the Advance Technical Program.
Each presenter will be given a poster space of 1.2 m by 1.8 m, on which a poster of size up to A0 portrait style can be placed. Velcro adhesive dots for putting up posters on the boards will be provided on location. Poster presenters can set up their posters any time before the session, and are required to stay near the posters during the session.
Call for Posters
Authors are encouraged to submit their most recent results in information theory and its applications to the recent results poster session, which will be held during the symposium. ISITA 2014 offers one poster session with two types of posters.
Type I — Posters with one-page abstract in the Proceedings
Anyone who wants to present their work in the poster session and to have their abstract included in the symposium proceedings is required to submit a one-page abstract on EDAS with a copyright transfer form by 1 August 2014. Authors should use the same format as for regular ISITA papers, but with the first page only. These abstracts will appear in the symposium proceedings of ISITA 2014 through a formal review process by the TPC. Note that a submitted abstract should be a final version; no revisions will be considered. Any flaw in format may lead to rejection. Acceptance notification will be sent by 25 August 2014. These abstracts will not appear in the IEEE Xplore.
Submit abstracts for Type I posters on EDAS by 1 August 2014.
Type II — Posters without abstract
Anyone who wants to present their work at the poster session is required to send a one-page manuscript explaining their work to the TPC Secretary ( by 20 September 2014. At least one author must register for the conference prior to the manuscript submission. When submitting the manuscript, the registration code (called the “access key” in the registration confirmation email) should be indicated in the email. The submitted manuscripts will not go through a review process, and will not appear in the symposium proceedings. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 30 September 2014.
The list of poster presenters and their titles will appear here by the beginning of October.
Poster-Related Questions
Questions regarding the poster session should be directed to
Call for Posters as a PDF file.