IEEE IT Society Japan Chapter Young Researcher Best Paper Award
IEEE Information Theory Society Japan Chapter honors excellent papers that are authored by young researchers and presented at ISITA2014. At most two winners will receive the IEEE IT Society Japan Chapter Young Researcher Best Paper Award, which comes with a monetary prize. The winners of the awards will be announced in the symposium banquet.
Note that we also have a travel grant. This is independent; if eligible, you may apply for the travel grant even if you applied for the paper award.
Requirements for Applicants
Those who meet all of the following requirements are eligible to apply for the award:
- You are an IEEE member, or you have applied for membership in the IEEE.
- You are 35 years old or younger on December 31, 2014.
- You are the first author of an accepted paper at ISITA2014.
- You will give the presentation of an accepted paper at ISITA2014.
- You are (or you will be) registered in the IEEE Japan Council (If you are a resident of Japan, then you are automatically registered in the Japan Council).
- If you are a student, then your supervisor endorses your application.
Details of Awards & How to Apply
See the web page of IEEE Information Theory Society Japan Chapter, and follow the instructions therein. Application forms are also available from the same web page.