Call for Papers

Interested authors are invited to submit papers describing novel and previously unpublished results on topics in information theory and its applications, including, but not limited to:

• Boolean Functions and Sequences • Information Inequalities
• Coding for Storage • Integrated Circuit Design for Information Theory
• Coding Theory • Multimedia Processing
• Communication Theory • Network Coding and Information Theory
• Computation and Complexity in Information Theory • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
• Cryptography and Information-Theoretic Security • Quantum Information and Coding Theory
• Data Privacy and Security • Shannon Theory
• Deep Learning in Information Theory • Signal Processing
• Distributed Coding and Computation • Source Coding and Data Compression
• Estimation and Detection • Sparsity and Compressed Sensing
• Formalization of Information Theory • Statistical Inference and Learning
• Group Testing • Statistical Physics for Information Theory
• Information Hiding • Statistics and Information Geometry
• Information Theory for Biology • Wireless Communications 

Paper Submission

Authors should submit papers according to the guidelines which will appear later on this web site. 

Paper Submission Deadline  April 30 May 7th, 2024  : The submission site is now closed. 

Acceptance Notification — July 31st, 2024

Final Paper Submission Deadline (for accepted papers)  August 28th, 2024

Further information will be posted as it becomes available. 
