Information for Authors

Authors of accepted papers should read Final Submissions below.

  • Authors who wish to present their work at ISITA2016 must submit manuscripts with a concise description of their work. Submitted manuscripts should be of sufficient depth for review by experts in the field. A submission should contain a clear presentation of the merits of the research, including (i) the main contributions, (ii) why the contributions are of interest, and (iii) how the new contributions relate to prior work.

To ensure a fair and timely review of the submissions, we ask that authors follow the guidelines below.

Submission Procedure

The deadline for initial submissions is April 7, 2016 23:59 UTC (April 8, 2016 08:59 JST)

The deadline for initial submissions has been extended to April 12, 2016 23:59 UTC (April 13, 2016 08:59 JST)

Manuscript submission is on EDAS. Note that a copyright transfer form must be uploaded before the manuscript is uploaded. The submission procedure is:

  1. Begin a new submission at
  2. You will receive a confirmation email from EDAS.
  3. Create and upload the copyright transfer form, see below.
  4. Upload the manuscript PDF.
  5. Verify your PDF upload, by both the confirmation screen and email acknowledgement.

Manuscript Preparation

Papers are limited to 5 pages. Authors should use the IEEE template files, available at IEEE Manuscript Templates. Please observe the following points:

  • Maximum 5 pages.
  • Minimum font size 10 points.
  • No page numbers, no headers, no footers.
  • No keywords.
  • Papers must be submitted as a PDF with US letter-size (and not A4).
  • The abstract should be limited to 300 words.
  • LaTeX format enclosed with $ $ is allowed for mathematical notation in the abstract on EDAS.
  • The title, authors and abstract in EDAS must agree with the title and authors in the PDF file.
  • The authors using the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Latex should use bare_conf.tex as the template and follow the instructions therein.
  • The authors using the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Word should use 2014_04_msw_usltr_format.doc as the template.

PDF compliance Uploaded PDF files should be IEEE Xplore-compliant, and will be checked by EDAS. This includes the following points:

  • The PDF file must have fonts embedded. Help
  • Bookmarks are not allowed in PDF files. Help
  • Do not use page numbers, headers or footers. Help

Non-compliant manuscripts will not be included in the proceedings and IEEE Xplore. Other help is available at EDAS.

Copyright Transfer

Copyright transfer is required with the initial submission. Copyright is transferred to the IEICE, not the IEEE, using the form below:

The following must be provided on the copyright form:

  • Paper ID number from EDAS. This is a 10-digit number like 156990301, and can be found in the registration confirmation email from EDAS.
  • Title, author(s) names and affiliation(s); must agree with the PDF file.
  • Handwritten signature.

Errors will result in the manuscript not being reviewed.

It is preferable that the copyright transfer form is uploaded in PDF format. But a JPEG image can also be uploaded, as long as the text is readable. Upload the signed copyright transfer form to EDAS by going to the "My Papers" tab and clicking on the "+" icon next to the column "Copyright form" where the paper is located. The deadline is the same as the paper deadline.

Rights that the authors retain are described in the copyright transfer form. In the event the manuscript is not accepted or is withdrawn by the author(s) before acceptance, this agreement becomes null and void.

Final Submissions

Authors of accepted papers should upload their final manuscripts to EDAS by 24 July 2016 at 23:59 UTC. At least one author must register for the conference at a non-student rate prior to the final paper submission. A maximum of three papers per registered author is allowed. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of the paper from the conference proceedings and program. Accepted papers must be presented by an author of that paper. If a paper is not presented at the conference, the paper will be excluded from IEEE Xplore. Note that IEEE also reserves the right to withhold publishing in IEEE Xplore.

The format of the final version of the paper is the same as that of the initial submission, but there are additional conditions:

  • The paper should not contain keywords — please remove keywords.
  • Minimum font size is 10 points.

Your final manuscript must be uploaded via EDAS, using the link given in your acceptance notification email. To be included in the proceedings and IEEE Xplore, papers must be prepared in compliance with the IEEE format. Before uploading a final manuscript, authors should check whether the manuscript is Xplore-compliant using IEEE PDF eXpress.

The EDAS title, abstract and author names will be used in the printed ISITA2016 Book of Abstracts and the Proceedings, so authors should make sure that the EDAS data agrees with the PDF file. LaTeX notation (for example, $\alpha_i$) is allowed in the EDAS title and abstract.

If the paper's title, authors or author affiliations have changed, the copyright transfer form must be resubmitted via EDAS; follow the procedure for the initial copyright transfer. If the copyright transfer form is incomplete, the paper will not be included in the proceedings and IEEE Xplore.

The final manuscript upload, and if needed EDAS modifications and revised copyright form, must be completed by 24 July 2016 at 23:59 UTC. Authors may make changes until the deadline.


Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings on a USB drive; abstracts will be printed in the Book of Abstracts. The USB drive and the Book of Abstracts will be handed out to participants at the conference.

Accepted papers will also be made available on IEEE Xplore after the conference. If a paper is not presented at the conference, the paper will be excluded from IEEE Xplore. Notice that IEEE also reserves the right to withhold publishing in IEEE Xplore.

The date of issue for the ISITA2016 Proceedings will be approximately 10 days before the symposium opens. We are advising you of this in the event you are applying for a patent.

Paper-Related Questions

Questions regarding copyright transfer, EDAS and PDF formatting should be directed to

Questions regarding the review process and decisions should be directed to