The ISITA2016 registration desk opens at 4 pm on Sunday, Oct. 30, and the welcome reception will begin at 6 pm. See you soon!
ISITA2016 will provide free a shuttle bus between the Hyatt and Fisherman's Wharf around 11:30-2:30, where there are many great restaurants for lunch.
We've posted info about shuttle bus between the Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel and Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey.
The ISITA block of hotel rooms have been sold out.
ISITA2016 Poster authors: the space for hanging your poster is 91 inches wide by 44.5 inches high. It is recommended you bring your own pushpins.
The #ISITA2016 preliminary technical program is now available
ISITA2016 participants can now reserve a hotel room for Nov. 2 as well, when registering (in addition to Oct. 30-Nov. 1).
Flying to ISITA2016? We've posted info about how to get to the conference hotel from local airports
The ISITA2016 preliminary schedule has been published, to help with your travel planning. It is subject to change.
Unfortunately there will be no student travel grants this year. The organizing committee made their best effort to keep the registration fees low.
For ISITA attendees planning travel: the technical sessions will be Monday to Wednesday, roughly 9 am to 6 pm. The only event on Sunday will be an evening welcome reception. Subject to change. We'll publish more details later.
The ISITA2016 registration web site is now open. Authors should register by July 24. Reserve your hotel room as well, since we need to fill a block of rooms.
Congratulations to the authors of papers accepted to ISITA2016. We are looking forward to seeing you in Monterey! Upload your final manuscript by July 24
Hey, ISITA2016 authors! The Technical Program Committee is expecting to send acceptance notifications by June 30 evening, Japan time.
ISITA2016 will have a recent results poster session. Authors interested in making a poster presentation of their most recent results in information theory are invited to submit a one-page abstract by July 31, 2016.
Paper submission for ISITA2016 is now closed. We received about 190 submissions, exceeding the number for 2014 by 10%.
The ISITA2016 paper submission deadline has been extended until April 12, 23:59 (UTC). See
The paper submission deadline for ISITA 2016 is April 7, 2016. Interested authors are encouraged to submit papers describing novel and previously unpublished results on topics in information theory and its applications.

We've made a Video Call for Papers for ISITA2016. A "constellation" of information theory stars — 18 well-known researchers from ISITAs past and present, welcome your paper submissions in their respective research areas.
SITA from IEICE highlights information theory and coding theory papers published in the journal IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (IEICE-EA). Check it out to see journal papers that are of interest to the broader information theory community.

Aloha! First San Diego, now Hawaii. The ISITA CFP goes to conferences in some beautiful places. This time, it's at ICNC in Kauai, Hawaii. Thank you to Amin Zribi of Telecom Bretagne, France, who is visiting JAIST, for helping with publicity.

Hello from San Diego! The ISITA2016 CFP sends its greetings from sunny beaches near the Information Theory and Applications Workshop held at UC San Diego. Thanks to Hiroshi Kamabe of Gifu University for distribution — it must be nice attending a conference near the sunny beaches of San Diego.
You can now signup for the ISITA mailing list. We'll send you email reminders about the paper submission deadline, and other key announcements.
I❤Xplore! Agreement for the ISITA2016 proceedings to be included in IEEE Xplore has arrived.

The ISITA Organizing Committee is hard at work. With 11 months to go before ISITA2016, the co-chairs met in on the sidelines of SITA in Kojima, Okayama last week. Committee members, from the Technical Program Committee (who to invite as the plenary speakers?) to Local Arrangements (found a good company to provide registration and payment services) made reports.
ISITA2016, a leading conference in information theory, will be held Oct. 30 to Nov. 2, 2016 in Monterey, California. The paper submission deadline has passed, but the deadline for early registration is August 20, 2016.